Monday, June 11, 2007

One more Henry Comment

When Ben woke up from his nap this afternoon we went straight outside to play. As he was swinging he realized that "Heighry" was nowhere to be found. He exclaimed, "Heighry!" Before I could comment Luke interjected, "Henry had to go to the Vet, he's sick." I simplified for Ben, "Henry went bye-bye." Ben said, "Back Heighry...Heighry Back." To which Luke replied, "No Ben Henry's going to heaven with Jesus and he's going to have so much fun there....he's not going to want to come back!" How true is that? I guess we've painted a pretty picture of heaven for Luke.


khunton said...

I love your blog! I laughed at your stories and almost cried for Henry! So sorry to see him go, but I know you are using this as a great opportunity to teach your boys. You are a great mom! LOVE your posts!

Lainie said...

Megan-I LOVE that you are so open to hear what the Lord is doing in your everyday circumstances! There is always the "what for" where HE is concerned. HE is so faithful and you are a GREAT mom. I'm sorry to hear about the puppy but if we could all understand like Luke we would all be better off. What faith!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Ok, so I am truly so sad for your boys. I know I am a little emotional during this season of life, but I really do have tears. Shane laughed at me until he read your blog and he was getting choked up. I can only imagine how hard it was for you. I love your boys so much. Luke is so wise at the age of 3. We are praying for the Kemp's!!!