I cannot get enough of being outside. The boys and I have been such homebodies lately and are spending countless hours each afternoon in the backyard. Here are some of my favorite pics.
My baby is 2. We had about a week long birthday celebration last week complete with a long visit from Gracie and a visit from Granny too! A party with friends capped off the celebration on Saturday and Ben was in total delight. Mom and I decided that Ben really loves all the old fashioned things about birthdays way more than anyone else we know....he'd have been happy solely with his cake, ice cream, and balloons. So so sweet. Patrick spent the entire day before the party adding on Ben's new tube slide to the boys fort....he did an amazing job and helped to make the backyard bash a raving success. This year we decided to keep the party simple and low key...it was great. Always in the past we have worked hard to have busy and elaborate parties...and then at the party I hardly get a chance to say hello to anyone because I am too busy making sure that all the details come together. This party was so peaceful, easy and fun. I actually got to enjoy every moment. And honestly....I think the kids had more fun too. Ben loved it!!!!
This is such a great time of year in Amarillo. The weather is cooling down, the leaves are getting ready to change and the aroma of pumpkins fills the air! I am hungering for pumpkin flavored anything (mostly breads and sweets) and loving the fall decor (not so much the distasteful Halloween decorations that are flooding the stores causing my innocent boys to say "what's that"). Last week we even stopped by the pumpkin patch for some true fun. Here are the pics