Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sweet Little Thing

Just thought I'd share some great shots of the darling baby girl. By the way, the boys did not shoot her with the nerf dart, it was just gently licked and stuck to her head. What a trooper she is!


Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so proud to see that the boys really learned from our lessons on how to slobber on nerf darts!! =)

BL said...

Seriously, every time I read a new post here it makes me laugh out loud. I love the one below, too, about "being out of his size."

khunton said...

She is gorgeous!!

erin and dutch said...

so good to hear from you! you're family is just adorable..i can't believe you have 3 fabulous kiddos! you're my hero... :) i added you to my "fav list".. xoxo, nire